07 A Bad Penny

I’m going to set a pretty big hook for you right now.

When I first started dating Lou, he had just purchased some very expensive, very manly furniture to furnish his kick-ass beach house. It was gorgeous stuff, and it looked killer in his house. And, it fit Lou to a tee. It was a combination of masculine elegance and refined taste; and, it was big and strong while still being easy and comfortable — just like Lou. 

But my feelings about that furniture follow us around like a bad penny inside of our marriage even to this day. 

Back then I was pretty young, and I was still learning how to choose my marital battles. So I was very vocal about how I felt about “Lou’s furniture.” (All of my friends and family got pretty sick of hearing about my feelings about Lou’s stuff.) I just wanted our house to look like we both had a say in it. I wanted to walk into a room and see myself and my husband reflected back at me. I wanted to see the life we were building together in “our” things, and for whatever reason, I didn’t believe I could see that without buying all new stuff.

OK. So let me be completely honest with you:

After all of these years of marriage, I’d still choose the “furniture battle” with Lou. Only now… We don’t have the furniture to fight over anymore. So does that mean that I won the battle? I’ll let you be the judge of that because this is not the last time you’ll be reading about “Lou’s furniture.” 

Like I said… It’s a very bad penny.

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