139 The Merry Band of Weirdos Scene Two

The next time I was making another clean-up loop at Jackie’s New Year’s Eve party, Sam and Melanie were seated on the staircase near the front door. 

They were just talking this time, so when I sped by, Sam called for me to join them. So I did. I remember that I had to climb over them to position myself so I could be two steps above Sam, and one step above Melanie. I felt nervous and wonky, but I did my best to engage in some pleasant chitchat:

Me: So Melanie… What do you do?

Melanie: Oh… Nothing right now. But I’m interviewing for a job at the University of Utah hospital.

Me: That’s great! I’ve just recently spent a lot of time up there — it’s a wonderful place to be… Unless you’re sick of course. [insert awkward laugh] What kind of job is it?

Melanie: [sheepishly] I’m trying to get hired to clean up blood in the ER…

I noticed Sam’s face shift from neutral to slightly contorted — like he just smelled something stinky.

Me: Oh… Er…blood?

Melanie: [defensive] I know that sounds weird, but it’s actually a really important job, and it pays better than the regular kind of clean up jobs do. [awkward pause] You have to take special classes to be certified and everything.

Sam looked down at his lap; clearly he was unaware of his date’s ambitions to clean up blood.

Me: Well… Actually. That sounds great, Melanie! [insert sympathetic smile] I happen to be very passionate about cleaning, so I totally get it.

Melanie: [dubious] You do?

I didn’t even have to think; I knew exactly what to say to Melanie because when it comes to my love of cleaning, I know exactly who I am!

Me: I really do. If I were a superhero, my super power would be stain fighting! I love to get things clean!

I remember Melanie’s face softening into a relieved smile. I reached over and put my hand on her shoulder. She was such a sweet girl. When my attention fully turned to Sam, he was looking up at me with a very sincere smile on his face. When our eyes met, I suddenly saw the Sam I met the very first day at the clean coffee shop. He looked small and plain to me, and I remember how nice I thought he was the first time I met him. 

In that flickering moment, I think I saw the real, actual Sam. The one who wasn’t the tangled product of my vivid imagination. 

Or the jerk who was making a scene at the party.

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