A Girl Crush

Last night, I got to spend an evening with a long-time girl crush of mine, and a new girl crush who I think of as a total keeper.

My idea of a “girl crush” is simple: I meet a woman, and there’s a spark of kindness between us, and that ignites a flame of curiosity in me that makes me want to learn more about her. There’s nothing demanding, needy, or selfish about a girl crush for me. It just starts out as an honest and almost instant admiration for another woman that either builds up over time into a bond of lasting friendship, or fizzles away and leaves me with a happy moment that I can always savor in my memory.

I quite like this quote from Maya Angelou:

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

When another woman you admire makes you feel seen, understood, and safe, you suddenly realize there’s nothing in your life you can’t face! My heart is full of gratitude today for the two friends who gifted me with that experience last night, and I’m sending out a big squishy prayer of love and blessing to all of the beauties in my life who sustain me with their friendship.

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