A Real-Life Story About Tide

I’d like to tell you a real-life story about how Tide saved the day.

I need to tell you this story because it makes me so happy, but also because I really want you, dear blog readers, to help me make an honest connection with Proctor & Gamble (the makers of the detergent that literally lives in my life like a bottle of hope). I want to be a paid brand ambassador for Tide because I need the financial support to do all of the things I’d like to do with my career as an author and speaker, but also because my belief in Tide is genuine and totally without agenda. No matter what, I will always tell people about the powerful stain-fighting attributes of Tide Original. Now, I just need to somehow tell Tide more about me…

Anyway. Back the real-life story… It’s a short story about how Tide always helps me be successful in my side hustle as a wedding planner’s assistant. 

A Real Life Tide Moment in the Life of Sonja Bentley Zant

The wedding ceremony was over, and the bridal party and family members gathered around the bride and groom for pictures. The bride was beaming in her stunning white dress — until one of her bridesmaids shouted, “Oh no! There’s blood! On the DRESS!

A ripple of panic spread through the gathering of people as the bridesmaid carefully inspected the quoter-sized spot of blood on the back of her best friend’s gown. The bride (thankfully) wasn’t bleeding…but her dress was all but ruined!

In her usual calm way, the wedding planner, Courtney, made eye contact with the crumbling bride. She gave her a loving smile and then said, “Don’t worry about a thing. My assistant, Sonja, can get that stain out. I promise.

Within seconds, I arrived on the scene with my trusty Tide Mini pen in hand.

I got right to work, gently dabbing the stain with the Tide Mini stick. With each dab, the stain-fighting power of Tide literally melted away the round spot of blood! As the nervous bridesmaid looked on, she could hardly believe her eyes!

But for me, this was no surprise at all. Just like I knew it would, Tide lifted the stain from the stunning grown like a prayer! The dress was SAVED — and the gorgeous bride could smile again!

The End
Or, perhaps, just the beginning?

I really do believe in Tide, and, if you need additional proof, please check out the three posts I just uploaded that are a part of my Laundry 101: Lessons I’ve Learned the Hard Way series. I get tremendous hope and perspective when I do laundry, and my loyalty to Tide is legit. Which is why I know if I could just get the chance to talk to the right person at P&G, they would see my passion is real!

In the social media coaching sessions I’ve been having lately, it’s become so clear to me how powerful these digital networks can be, and how when one person re-posts something or re-tweets a thought that someone else tweeted that made them react, it can really make the world so much smaller. I’m struggling with some of the trickier parts of social sharing and connecting, but I am doing my best to embrace all of the possibilities in the mix, too.

I believe in the power of connecting — and for me, connecting starts with knowing a person’s story so I can help them find understanding and the hope they need to find real Truth in this life.

So I’m going to be bold and ask you for a favor. If you feel compelled to “share,” “post,” or “re-tweet” this entry — as well as any of my other content — I would greatly appreciate your social influence on my behalf. I know somehow, someway, and if it’s meant to be, I could be a proud brand ambassador for Tide and the Tide Loads of Hope movement! (Wouldn’t that be terrific?!)

One last thing: Here’s a little ad I created with the help of a very talented friend to offer up just how fanatical I am about Tide Original! Hope you enjoy!

PS — Thank you in advance for your support and belief in me. I don’t take any of the people who read my content for granted!

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