
There’s this word that’s been following me around this week. It’s the word “enough.” I have this memory of my mom using this word with me when I got a little lippy, or if I was lobbying too hard for something I wanted. She’d say, “Sonja — that’s enough!” Even as a kid, that response […]

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There’s this word that’s been following me around this week. It’s the word “enough.” I have this memory of my mom using this word with me when I got a little lippy, or if I was lobbying too hard for something I wanted. She’d say, “Sonja — that’s enough!” Even as a kid, that response […]

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It’s my first post of 2020 — hooray! 🎉 Merp… Anyway. I guess I want to believe I’m like most people at the start of a new year. There seems to be this vibration in the air that tells me that everything is new again, and the slate got wiped clean when the clock struck […]

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