Crazy Bliss

Nothing makes me feel more useful (or excited) than cleaning things.

A few weeks ago, I attended a wine tasting with Lou and his podcast partner, Meredith. (Oh! By the way, Lou has a wine podcast called Major Crush on Spotify! The irony kills me that LOU ZANT has a podcast out before me! But it’s all good. And, I’m super proud of Lou and Meredith!! Toot toot!!)

Anyway. Back to my story.

We were at this tasting lunch where all of these incredibly cool winemakers got together to open up bottles of some kind of red wine that were ten years old or older. I’m not a wine buff like Lou and Meredith are, but I enjoy a delicious glass of red wine that’s been perfectly paired with some food, and, I always enjoy talking to the winemakers and hearing their stories! 

But soon after we arrived, one of our good friends was opening up a bottle of one of his really old vintages, and when he pulled the cork from the bottle, a bunch of dark, black, inky wine sediment splattered all over his shirt! I wasn’t standing there when the incident happened, but like a dog with special skills would, I instinctually alerted when I vaguely heard Lou say:

“Where’s Sonja? She’ll know how to get that stain out!”

When I rushed over and got my first look at the horror of the stain, I didn’t want to make this winemaker any promises. This stain was the worst wine stain I think I’ve ever encountered! It was this thick, deep purple stain on a light-colored shirt, and I wasn’t sure if I could back up the talk if I promised this winemaker I’d come through. But I took the shirt home with hope in my heart that I would prevail — but there were absolutely no guarantees.

To make a boring story (for you) short, I DID GET THE STAIN OUT!

When I pulled the shirt from the washer after soaking it in a heavy coating of Tide Original for three full days, I actually had to sit down I was so stunned — and elated!! There wasn’t even a trace of the stain on the shirt, and I felt positively giddy! I could hardly wait to give the shirt back to the winemaker, and for me, it just gave me this profound kind of happiness I can’t explain in a way that would ever make sense to anyone but me.

Sometimes I wonder if people who read my blog think I’m absolutely insane because of my love of laundry and my passion for Tide Original. And…maybe I am. But I find myself sitting here on a sunny afternoon counting all of the little blessings in my life, and at the top of the list is the fact that all of my laundry is done, and every item that needs the touch an iron is pressed and put away.

And, I feel so happy that the two food stains Lou got on two different shirts this past week vanished without a trace, and my sheets are freshly washed and stretched over the mattress of my bed, just waiting for me to slide under them tonight for a cozy night’s sleep.

I’ll let you call me crazy if you need to…but let me just challenge you to consider this: 

One person’s crazy might just be another person’s bliss!


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