Hello Again

OK. I still want to be a blogger!

I apologize for my dramatic departure in my last post, but it helped me so much to be completely honest and spill the beans about how lost I’ve been feeling lately. I really needed to take a break from myself and do a deeper search of my inner workings to see if I still had a reason to write and share my thoughts with other people on my blog. 

I still don’t know if what I write matters all that much to others, but I guess that’s something I could never know anyway! I’m always thinking about how many people in our world measure their value by the number of “likes” they get on a post, and I wonder sometimes how damaging that kind of measurement is when it comes to what’s real and what’s fake…

Would the Emperor’s New Clothes get him a lot of “likes” these days?
My guess is, yes…
But not in the way that would affirm the Emperor’s heart.

The conclusion I’ve come to about my own naked and raw posts is simple, though. I write for myself and then post the thoughts I’d love to talk over with others if I could. And if I can keep that kind of balanced perspective about my blog, then I believe I will be able to keep track of my “why” a little better going forward.

In case you’re wondering, I have a few new posts that I’ve been adding two during my short hiatus, so if it matters, I just want to let you know my posts will pick back up again in the next day or so.

But for now, I really want to say thank you to all of you who checked on me and have encouraged me to keep writing for myself. Those little messages mean a million times more to me than a “like” or any analytics data that my blog tracks for me every day.

What a great feeling to get an actual “like” from an actual person!

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