I Follow Tide on Twitter

Duh. Of course I do! #TideOriginalRocks! 

Today, I read a Tweet about how Tide has launched a new concept called Tide Cleaners. At the moment, it’s only open in select urban areas, and on a handful of college campuses, but the program is simple. Customers can use 24-hour drop boxes to deposit their dirty clothes to be picked up later all fresh and tidy — just the way Tide and I like it!

The article attached to the Tweet I read sited research from the U.S. Department of Labor that calculated that the average American spends up to “375 hours a year sorting, washing, drying and folding laundry.” So the goal of the new Tide Cleaners concept is to give city-dwellers and students a different option for getting their clothes perfectly clean and ready to wear that will ultimately save these people some precious time each year.

After I read the article, I tried to imagine how many hours I spend doing my laundry.

The statistics that were sited from the Labor Department didn’t include ironing in the tally, and for me, my chores are never done unless our clothes are ironed and put away. But when I really thought about the average of 375 hours of doing laundry, I couldn’t stop myself from feeling like those are some the best hours of my entire year!

I have a load of darks in the washer right now, and the chug, chug sound of my machine swishing the water around with the fresh smelling Tide pod I dropped in makes me feel happy. And safe. I totally get that my love for doing laundry is irrational and strange to a lot of people, but to me, all I feel is pumped up when my clothes are clean and fresh. And I sincerely feel a sense of euphoria when I get a stain out of a garment that seemed destined to be banished from the weekly rotation of options in my very limited wardrobe.

But for me, laundry is a constant reminder of this unlimited supply of second chances and self-forgiveness that I can continually find inside of my faith…

Imagine if every single goof up in your day and every single stinky situation you encounter could be washed away as if it never happened! And what if the absolute forgiveness of every misstep, every ugly thought, and every misunderstanding you mistook for Truth could be sorted, scrubbed, rinsed and returned as if you were brand new? 

How fantastic! 

I realize how dorky this post must sound, but when I read that Tide Cleaners Tweet today, I felt excited for people out there who don’t love to do laundry the way I do who can still experience the benefit of a really awesome cleaning solution. When I think about these people, I’m infusing my thoughts with hope for them, and with blessings for their lives. I’m sending out empathy and love to get these people I know I’ll never meet through another week while doing their best to keep trying in this tricky, messy world of ours.

Because for me… 

The empowerment I get from washing my own clothes helps me stay forever hopeful, and forever grateful…

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