My Electric Addiction

Life has a funny way of course correcting me sometimes.

It’s been a very long time since I posted anything on my blog, and there are reasons for that. For one thing, the day after I posted my recent rant about how my technology is listening in on my life, the power in Sonoma went out.

So for three full days, I had no access to the Internet, and, I couldn’t charge my computer so I couldn’t write any of my thoughts electronically. (I had to go “old school” and jot down the thoughts I had during those three days on paper…with a very dull pencil.) So even though none of this was Google’s fault or anything like that…

I kept thinking about how dependent I am the modern amenities in my life.
I think I might be addicted to electricity!
Because I almost had to marvel at my default-setting-need for power!!

Even though I was fully aware of the fact that we were without power, I still flipped on the light switch every time I went into the bathroom — habit — and, every idea I had about how to occupy my time productively during those three days was thwarted when I’d remember that I would need electricity to make this or that idea happen. And in a way, it kind of started to bother me to discover how reliant I am on power and technology — so no wonder the sneaky cyber trolls can check up on us so much… We’re pretty addicted to our modern conveniences!! 

At least I seem to be!

The other reason I was so out of communication with myself, my blog, and my technology was due to the fact that I worked two weddings in my side hustle job this weekend, and one of those weddings was hanging from a very thin thread during the power outage — which reminded me all over again of how needy we all are of our modern conveniences. When you’ve been planning “the most important day of your life” for the past year, you pretty much do all of that planning with the basic assumption that you’ll have power on your big day, right?!

When you might not?
Things can get kind of dicey.

Fast-forward to now: I’m sitting in my old familiar spot on the far right section of the brown leather sofa in our living room, and the hum of Lou’s giant refrigerated wine cooler is humming like it normally does. (As an aside, when the power was out, the silence in the cottage was almost stunning. I could actually hear the air under a bird’s wings when it flew by an open window!) 

But for today at least, I have power. And I can flip switches and the lights come on, and, as you may have assumed, I’ve got a load of wash in my machine right now, and the swishy-clean fragrance of Tide Original is lightly hovering in the air. I can feel a tingle of excitement in my tummy about the wine stain I know will come out of one of Lou’s T-shirts after I did a little pre-wash magic with Tide Original. Right now, I can hear the spin cycle kicking in, so the “big reveal” on my clever cleaning efforts is mere moments away!!!

Anyway. The ambient quiet of my electrically dependent life rolls on as usual today… And, therefore…

So do I…

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