My new podcast, NERD ALERT, is up on Spotify today!

It’s just the trailer — not a full episode yet. I’m trying to ease myself into the world of podcasting, and to be totally honest…I’m nervous! Letting people into my mind and heart with my written words is one thing, but now, people will be able to hear my thoughts in my own voice! Oh boy…

For me anyway, there’s something so different about listening to someone share thoughts than simply reading those same thoughts on a page. When I read things, I infuse more of myself into the mix — which is one of the reasons I really like to read (especially novels) because the words can engage me so deeply sometimes. But when I listen to a podcast, I connect with the content differently, and somehow, the words the person is sharing suddenly belong to both of us.

Anyway. It’s is so much more time consuming to write, record, and then produce a podcast, and so I’ve had trouble balancing out my time to keep up with posts on my blog while I’ve been in the thick of things! But I know me. I’ll get the hang of my time management issues soon enough. 

But I have missed writing on this blog lately.

I think my first love will always writing. Everything in my mind finds a place to rest if I sit down and write. I’ve got so many plans for NERD ALERT, but every single one of my plans starts with me writing about my thoughts, feelings, and pondering emotions. 

Anyway. If you’re one of my faithful readers, give me a minute or two to get things off the ground and then I’ll be back in full force! But in the meantime, check out my trailer on Spotify — and soon, my podcast should be up on all of the major podcasting sites where people find good things to listen to! My first episode and a couple of bonus episodes will be out soon — but for now, all I can say is this:

NERD ALERT! You’ve been warned!

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