NERD ALERT Episode Five

Season One of NERD ALERT is complete!

I just posted Ep 05 The Unreliable Narrator this morning. I thought I had one more podcast in me for my first season, but it turns out, I just don’t. And while I enjoyed making all of my episodes and the bonus content that I edited together, podcasting is so time-consuming when you’re doing it all on your own.

I felt a little melancholy about declaring that this one would be my last one, but as soon as I recorded myself saying that, I felt kind of relieved. Keeping up with the series was getting a little intense, and truth be told, writing, recording, and producing my own podcast was totally interrupting my podcast listening time! (Kind of a strange problem, right?!) Right now, I have about 16 podcasts I haven’t had a chance to enjoy, and so during my “hiatus,” there are some delicious hikes ahead of me, and loads and loads of journal entries to come.

Oh, how I love the thought of that!!

I know I’ll have a second season of NERD ALERT — even if no one is listening to my current one, and, even if that continues to be the case moving forward! But I think I need to give myself a lot more lead time to develop my thoughts and my content because whenever I start to feel too rushed, I never do my best work. I think some of the things that I talk about in this exact episode reflect a bit of the sentiment, in fact… I think when people get rushed to share stuff, sometimes it can lack introspection, and I don’t ever want a race against time just to get another podcast out to cause my thoughts to become all mixed up or void of thoughtful energy…

Why should I do a podcast if it’s not going to be thoughtful?
Or useful?

If you have been listening to my show, thank you so much for that. It means a great deal to me to have people out there who try to “get” me — and I know for a fact, some of you actually do “get” me, which is a magical feeling!! I personally spend a lot of my time trying to “get” others in this world, and to me, it’s always a worthy effort to invest a bit of my attention into the things people are doing and thinking, and so I’m always touched when other people do that kind of investing in me. 

Right now, I have a huge lump of thoughts pressing in on me, and I hope they’ll all come out of me in the form of some new blog posts this week — which is something I haven’t had as much time for since I’ve been putting this new pressure on myself to pump out new episodes of NERD ALERT each week. And when I get right down to it, I think I’ve missed just the writing part of my life…

Blah, blah, blah…
OK. So…now I’m just babbling.
And, if you’ve listened to my podcasts, then you know I do that!!

But today marks a moment in time where I can recognize the fact that I started something and I took it the distance, and no matter how I judge myself for my latest efforts in my pursuit of purpose, I’m thankful I tried!

So for now…
But she’ll be back! 👓

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