NERD ALERT Episode Four

Life rolls on, even when I’m not ready!

That was something that was very true for me yesterday when my latest episode of NERD ALERT went live on Spotify, but I was simply too wiped out to put up an announcement about it on my blog or on social media. My side hustle wedding job got more than a little time consuming last weekend, but the plans I set in motion for Episode 04 took shape, and ready or not…

…my podcast started living a new life that’s just a little beyond me!

That’s how it feels for me every time I finish producing an episode and set it up to publish. I feel that way about the blog posts I write and put into the auto-publish mode, too. Once something I do is out there — even tho I don’t have a very big following yet — it feels like this content that was once so close to me slips out of my grasp, like a balloon filled with helium pulling away as the ribbon it’s attached to slowly slips out of my hand.

But Episode 04: To Be Fair is up and ready to listen to on Spotify or wherever you download your favorite podcasts! 

This particular episode might be one of my favorites so far. It’s about the rules, and as a “rule-sy kind of gal,” exploring this topic was of great interest and value to me as I keep trying to figure out how I want to show up in this world. I didn’t figure everything out — and I doubt I ever will — but I did discover some valuable shifts in my understanding, and I do hope the podcast recommendations I make in this episode will make it into your podcast line up, too! (Seriously. The two series I talk about in this one are FANTASTIC!)


I have more to say on this topic — SHOCKER! — so there is a bonus episode that I will publish later this week, and, I also have a blog entry scheduled for later this week, too. I think I’ll probably still keep thinking and seeking more clarity for myself in the area of rules, fairness, and how people in our culture move through life…

Because when it comes to my life, I’m definitely a life-long learner!

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