Nerd Alert Episode One

It’s a big day for me today…

I’ve released the first full episode of my new podcast, NERD ALERT! This first podcast has the same name as the first chapter of my memoir — The Honest Fraud. It kind of made sense to me to start my podcasting journey at the same place that I started my blogging journey — because as you know, I like things that line up in tidy ways!!


This first episode was personally revealing to me. It’s one thing to write and share my thoughts with people, but when I was talking (to myself, basically) into the podcast producing app on my phone, the sound of my own voice uncovered something new. I don’t exactly like the sound of my own voice out in the open. The sound of my voice in my head sounds better to me than it sounds in reality!! However, once I got into the production of my first episode, things shifted for me.

One of the reasons I think I love podcasts so much is because just hearing someone talk feels personal and intimate. I can somehow feel their honesty differently than when I am watching them on a video, or reading something he or she wrote. It’s like their voice joins my thoughts differently, and I feel a greater connection — even if I don’t like or agree with what they are saying! I at least know I can try to understand another person if I listen to their voice…

So I sort of discovered that same kind of connection to myself, and these thoughts I’ve had for such a long time were often surprising to me when I heard myself say them out loud. And eventually, I got over the sound of my voice and I discovered some new layers of myself — layers that have needed to be examined for a long time!

By the way, I’ve also included two bonus episodes with my first episode.

Once I started thinking about this topic, it seemed like new and inspiring podcasts kept showing up in my podcast cue, and I was finding new ways to connect ideas and stories from the lives of others to my own discoveries in The Honest Fraud episode. (I love podcasts!!)

Just so you know…

Even if no one ever read a word I wrote, and if no one ends up listening to my new podcast series, I’d still do it all anyway. I wanted to tell you that because it seems important to get that out there right away! I am just seeking for Truth in my life, and I’m certain unwinding things from my past holds many of the answers I can use as I move forward. So I’m only putting all of this out into the world in hopes that my discoveries can be useful to someone else — and, I’m also recommending some seriously awesome podcasts that others have created that I think are totally worth a listen!

NERD ALERT! You’ve been warned!

NOTE: NERD ALERT is available on Spotify or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. Click here to download this episode — plus two bonus episodes of The Honest Fraud.

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