NERD ALERT Episode Two

Another NERD ALERT podcast is live today.

This one is on Perfection, and while I feel like I dug around a lot and considered this topic from quite a few different angles — which means I offered up several totally excellent podcast suggestions! — I know I’m going to continue to dance with doing things perfectly in my life. This episode is far from perfect, and my thoughts are still swirling a bit in my mind with no final conclusions.

But I’ve done my best. 
I always do my best.

Perfection is such a layered topic for me that I also had to put up two bonus episodes to further my thoughts, but honestly, that wasn’t even enough! This morning, when I pushed the button to make all of my content live, it created that old familiar pit of worry in my tummy. Whenever I do anything new or a little bold, I do struggle with fears that it’s not good enough. So I had to do a little private journaling and quiet reflection to find my center again.

But I’m really digging in, and I’m trusting in my instincts and my passions more than my abilities to make my podcast flawless, and so that requires moving beyond my old familiar mental narrative about how others will perceive me. I once heard someone say something so useful to me when it comes to what I think other people are saying about me or thinking about me. It was simple:

What others think of you is none of your business.

What??? Wow. I remember how harshly that statement landed in my mind at the time, but as soon as the sting wore off, all I could think to myself was, “That is so true!”

I remembered that today when I was doing my quiet reflection, and while I do benefit from feedback of all kinds…unless someone offers their thoughts or opinions to me directly, then it really is none of my business. So now that my podcasts are out there, I need to step away from it…

And, not step inside of anyone else’s mind and assume I could ever know what he or she is thinking about me. 

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