Now Available

Posts 151 through 157 are now up and ready to read!

My time away in England with Vanessa is just what I needed, and the new insights and lessons I’m about to share in these posts are some of the deepest ones yet.

But I have one request:

Please give me an extra amount of grace as you read this next series of posts — I need this from you so my words won’t land judgmental or narrow-minded to my friends who don’t share my exact version of faith. This part of my story is filled with self-discoveries that I needed to express, and I needed to be totally honest with myself… As with all of the entries in The Imposition Tour, they were originally written for me to learn before I ever had the courage to invite others in, and these posts are no exception!


If you’re just joining me on this ongoing, narrative journey, click here to review the Table of Contents.

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