Now Available

Posts 170 – 172 are up and ready to read!

A totally adorable “super fan” of my Imposition Tour posts told me she usually reads my blog on Mondays while she’s on the toilet! It made me laugh, but this news also made me feel so thankful that one of my readers likes to have some uninterrupted reading time so she can keep investing her life into my life! My mother was the kind of gal who did her most valued reading in the bathroom, too, so I’m taking this as a huge compliment for sure!!

But just so you know, this may be one of the last Mondays that I post multiple posts at a time. It’s getting so much more difficult for me to recap my life experiences into a memoir that only contains the details of my more distant past. I still have a lot of things to wrap up for you, of course, but after this set of posts, we will have transitioned into a time where the things that happen directly impact my “real-time” life in a much more complex way.

But don’t worry (my little super fans): I’m not done with this story yet!

I haven’t exactly figured out how I’m going to do my Monday Imposition Tour posts just yet, but I have another week to sort that out, and I still have a lot more to share. But for now, please enjoy the next collection of experiences I have ready for you to read — wherever you may find yourself today!

If you’re just joining me on this ongoing, narrative journey, feel free to lock yourself in the bathroom (or not) and click here to review the Table of Contents.

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