10 This One Important Detail

When I’m writing a fictional narrative, the story is so much more interesting if I come up with a clever or authentic way to weave an important detail or two into the narrative without it being too obvious. That way, when the detail ends up being the critical element of a surprising plot shift, the […]

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11 Facing the Facts

After Lou’s big technology deal crashed and burned, we had to get real. It was time to face the facts. We couldn’t keep doing this anymore. We couldn’t keep trying to close little deals to pay our rent, and quite frankly, we simply couldn’t afford the rent we were paying in the first place. So […]

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12 Just So You Know…

When I have the occasion to read a memoir or biopic, I tend to picture the author sharing his or her story from the point-of-view of being on the other side of all of their struggles. If it’s a woman author, in my mind, she’s usually wearing a chunky, cozy sweater that looks soft and […]

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