*Except for Lou

There’s a stop sign in our lazy neighborhood that must have a tiny asterisk on it. To be fair, it really is a totally worthless stop sign that seems so random and almost punitive on this street that hardly anyone ever intersects with another car, but it’s there nonetheless. I’ve lived on this street for […]

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NERD ALERT Episode Two

Another NERD ALERT podcast is live today. This one is on Perfection, and while I feel like I dug around a lot and considered this topic from quite a few different angles — which means I offered up several totally excellent podcast suggestions! — I know I’m going to continue to dance with doing things […]

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Relative Harm

I was in a mood today. Nothing in particular was going on, but even after a perfect morning hike and a really good podcast, I just felt kind of wound up and irritable inside. So the only thing to do when this kind of mood strikes is to clean! It’s the kind of activity that […]

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