Strange Grief

Let me set the scene… I’m sitting on a bench outside of a wine bar in St. Helena, CA. Sometimes I just like to sit — no phone, no distractions… Just being still while everything else is moving around me gives me such a calming rush (if that makes any sense!)  There’s a jewelry store […]

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Sorry I’ve been so terrible with my posts lately. It’s not because I haven’t been doing a lot of writing — in fact, I’ve been writing more than usual these days! Just not in the form of blog posts… I realize that it might have gone completely unnoticed by the world that I haven’t posted […]

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179 I Promise

This is the last post of my memoir. I’ve been wondering since I started putting all of these posts up on my blog how I’d know it was time to officially end this story! But I realize now…I just know. And, it’s time.  If I were writing a fiction narrative, I would’ve wrapped things up […]

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