I was thinking about how nothing in my life is ever ALL GOOD or ALL BAD — if I am being completely objective with myself. Lately, my posts have been a bit on the somber side (sorry about that, by the way) and, I openly admit that I’m processing some thoughts and feelings I wish […]
The Imposition Tour posts are reading more like a book than a blog now because the story is coming to you one “chapter” at a time! I hope you’ll stick with me, tho, because there’s still a lot I need to share! If you’re just joining me on this ongoing, narrative journey, feel free to […]
173 Mine!
Driving back to Monterey two days after Roy told me about the death in Lana’s family and Ira’s cancer diagnosis was a memorably sad trip for me. The further and further we drove away from LA, the more I could sense my hopes for the pilot slipping away from me, too. But at the same […]