Now Available

Posts 170 – 172 are up and ready to read! A totally adorable “super fan” of my Imposition Tour posts told me she usually reads my blog on Mondays while she’s on the toilet! It made me laugh, but this news also made me feel so thankful that one of my readers likes to have […]

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170 Cheers! To New Ideas!

Our trip to Napa was a definite turning point for Lou and me on The Imposition Tour.  On that trip, Lou really fell in love with the idea of marketing wine. Lou’s associate, Tony, invited about 20 people to his winery for an industry mixer of sorts, and every conversation Lou had seemed to ignite […]

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171 Same Life. Only Swankier.

The day we left Ojai, Lou made arrangements for us to stop in Monterey, California, to visit a long-term friend of his named Mike.  Lou and Mike’s friendship dates back to the 1970’s, but it had been close to 15 years since they’d connected. However, as soon as Lou called Mike, it was as if […]

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