Now Available

Welcome back to The Imposition Tour! I’m only posting four new posts this week (147 – 150) because the story is getting very intense and incredibly raw for me — plus, a couple of these posts are pretty long. But at this point in my story, I’m on the verge of ruining everything, and I […]

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147 Setting My Own Trap

The time between my decision to leave for England and my departure went by so quickly.  I had a lot of things I needed to do — including wrapping up the scripts, writing the series summary, and sorting out the details of my month away. Jackie was hugely important to this process, and between her […]

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148 Sage Ironies

I stayed with my dad for the first three weeks after my mom passed away in 2000.  Everything about her death happened very fast, but in the little time she had, she mercifully prepared all of us for specific things that she knew we’d each face once she was gone. One of those things was […]

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