149 The Thrill of Brazil

From the moment I arrived at Vanessa’s home in Greenwich, CT, I felt the first layers of my frozen emotions giving way.  It was bitterly cold in her part of the country, too, but just being near her warmth and comfort did wonders to thaw my feelings and emotions. I remember feeling empty when I […]

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150 The Best Medicine

I love British people.  I love the way they carefully express their thoughts, mumble their ironic observations, and, how they “take the Micky out” of each other with their dry humor. And I especially like the idea of keeping a stiff upper lip because it makes sense to me. You can’t be a wimp if […]

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Not Available

I’m so sorry, but today, I won’t be putting up any new Imposition Tour posts. This notice is really for a couple of my “adorable super fans” (you know who you are!), and it comes with my sincere gratitude for your enthusiasm and support! The problem is, I’m too tired today to get the posts […]

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