142 True Colors

Sam and I made plans to meet up two days after the New Year’s Eve party.  The guy I met on vacation at Two Bunch Palms who wanted to know more about my pilot was true to his word. He hunted me down just before Lou and I left on Christmas day, and he gave […]

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143 The Kill Shot

By the time Sam and I met for our next writing session, Lou was back in town, and he was feeling a little better.  But in some ways, the pressure Lou was under when he got back to Utah had somehow increased and intensified. He was ready to attack work differently now that his body […]

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144 Vanessa

Soul mate is a term that most people reserve for romantic relationships.  But for me, there’s no other way to describe how I feel about Vanessa. She is soulfully valuable to me, and even when we don’t speak to each other for months, if I pray, I know she hears my words to God in […]

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