115 Shapeshifting

Sam told me a story once about how a shapeshifter appeared to him to help guide him to a better place in his life.  That story is Sam’s to tell, not mine. But the concept of a shapeshifter became very interesting to me after he told me his story. Typically, shapeshifting involves turning from a […]

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116 Cracking

While I was lost in la-la-land writing the pilot, Lou was literally cracking under the pressure. And even though I knew this, Lou was starting to isolate himself from me in cold and prickly ways. There were moments where that familiar kindness that Lou possesses in spades would show up, but he was mostly edgy […]

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117 No Good News

We were able to squeeze in an appointment with the “top urologist in SLC” only because Dr. Brimley called over for us, and used his personal connection to get us in.  It was on the Monday after Thanksgiving, so the waiting room still had tacky orange and brown decorations everywhere. But while I was waiting […]

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