The actual doctor who held the patents on the stem cell-based serums was this beautiful man from the United Arab Emirates. He was very calm, and kind of allusive…but to me, he was a full-on rock star! I spent many, many hours with this doctor after I started writing for the company because I wanted […]
96 Damn Katy Perry
I have to blame Katy Perry for what happened next. Or… Perhaps I need to applaud her? I’m still not sure. But during the week leading up to the official launch of the company, the radio stations, and morning television talk shows were hyping her song, Roar. Even though I’m not a fan of her […]
97 Ugly Words
Please forgive me admitting to you that I dropped two F-bombs in a professional setting. I’m incredibly embarrassed by my behavior. But when you don’t use that word in your normal rotation of expressions, it honestly does feel just like a bomb. For me, dropping that word blew up this wall inside of me that […]