102 Beautifully Fragile

I  used to follow this poet on Instagram named Samuel Decker Thompson. But then I think he went through a dark time, and his posts started to confuse me, so I haven’t been following him as much as I used to. (Sorry, Samuel… ) However, the first time I read one of his quotes, I […]

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100 Lou-isms

Lou has a way with words. He has a collection of sayings to describe most everything he experiences. Most of the sayings come from the Deep South where Lou attended college, or, from his childhood days in Texas. But each one sums up things so specifically, and most of them make you laugh when you […]

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Origin Stories

Have you ever gotten a song stuck in your head that you really don’t want to hear? Boy, that happened to me yesterday, and it was awful. It wasn’t even a song — it was a commercial jingle for a contraceptive product! It comes on quite a lot during the time slot of some of […]

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