46 Another Race Against Time

Everything that happened next took over in a tumble once I answered that call.  Dona is amazing under pressure, but when her first words were, “How far are you away from the Tampa Airport?” I instantly knew something horrible had happened.  The saving grace is that Dona is so much stronger than me, and there […]

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47 Too Soon

Lou would later tell me that when he collapsed in the ER that day, he felt a warm and soothing peace wash over him. And, he said he felt this profound relief in the giving in, and the letting go. There was something so comforting in the kaleidoscope of colors, sounds, and feelings he was […]

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48 Rushing Time

Of course, my flight to Dallas was delayed by a few hours in Tampa. There was a mechanical. I remember sitting in the gate area, feeling like I’d been duped. I had rushed to get to the airport, turn in the rental car, and check my odd collection of bags within the two-hour window I […]

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