Agree to Disagree

Is it really possible to agree to disagree anymore? Maybe that’s never been possible, but still… I’ve been wondering that for a while now. Lately, so many of the stories that have been showing up on my newsfeed seem to have this tilt to them that makes me feel as if I have to pick […]

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My Electric Addiction

Life has a funny way of course correcting me sometimes. It’s been a very long time since I posted anything on my blog, and there are reasons for that. For one thing, the day after I posted my recent rant about how my technology is listening in on my life, the power in Sonoma went […]

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Does technology ever make you feel paranoid? I’m not really prone to feelings of paranoia, however, I do know that my cell phone and my computer are always “listening” to me and tracking most of my moves. And even though I do suspect my life would probably bore the poor NSA or Google person assigned […]

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