30 Omens

One summer, when I was about 10, my Aunt Barb took me to the Omaha Zoo.  It’s a great zoo, and I remember the whole day was awesome! And, because I was on vacation, my Aunt Barb let me eat things that my mom didn’t usually allow me to eat — which made me feel […]

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31 Uncomfortably Numb

The minutes that I spent waiting for Lou in that hospital felt bloated.  An hour still had 60 minutes, but each of those minutes felt like it weighed more or lasted longer than it should. On our first day at the University of Minnesota Medical Center, Lou spent close to 11 hours on that gurney, […]

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32 Bloody Hell

By the time we got back to Dave and Judy’s house, Lou was totally spent. In fact, he fell asleep in the car on the drive home — which was a first for him. I remember getting lost trying to find my way to the house in the dark, but it was OK because Lou […]

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