Power to the People

It’s been a while since I posted anything.

Sorry about that. I’ve had a lot of things keeping my fingers busy these days. Of course, now, just like you probably are, I’m self-isolating, and my fingers have gotten less busy, but my mind continues to whirl!

I think Lou and I might already be pretty practiced with “social distancing” because I don’t feel a radical change in my day-to-day since the official “Shelter in Place Order” alerted on my phone. But there is an eerie stillness in the air, and I can even feel it on my hikes. (Thank goodness I can still do my hikes during this crazy time!) Even though there are still workers doing things in the vineyard, and I seem to be encountering the same people and dogs I see on most of my hikes, there’s this heavy feeling in the air.

However, when I’ve stepped foot into a grocery store…
That heavy feeling switches over to an empty one!

I haven’t really experienced any real fear from this “event” like many say that have, but this week, when I saw how empty the store shelves were, I did start to wonder if Lou and I were foolish not to react more quickly to get more supplies. But again, thank goodness I’m already so dialed in when it comes to our toilet paper and cleaning supply stashes — because if I didn’t have a grip on that before this crisis situation started, Lou and I would be screwed.  

My favorite aisle at the grocery store has never been so popular — or so picked over — and that, my friends, rattled me. I’m not as much of a hand sanitizer girl because I’ve always believed good old fashioned soap and water is the best choice, but that staunch belief has started to make me ration my soap supplies. 

But probably the biggest shock to my system since Lou and I started our “self-quarantine” a week ago today happened two nights ago. I had just served Lou a nice bowl of homemade vegetable soup and a couple of squares of cheesy toast I whipped up in my “easy-bake oven” when something truly troubling happened.

We were going to watch a show on Netflix we’ve been binging (Marco Polo) and Lou had the TV on pause while we were getting situated. But when he pushed play on the remote control, nothing happened. 

The TV was frozen… 
And, the remote was unresponsive. 

Suddenly, it occurred to me that while everyone was talking about toilet paper and hand sanitizer shortages, the thing I should’ve been worried about was my supply of AA batteries to keep our remote control working…

Talk about potentially dark times…

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