NERD ALERT Episode Four

Life rolls on, even when I’m not ready! That was something that was very true for me yesterday when my latest episode of NERD ALERT went live on Spotify, but I was simply too wiped out to put up an announcement about it on my blog or on social media. My side hustle wedding job […]

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NERD ALERT Episode Two

Another NERD ALERT podcast is live today. This one is on Perfection, and while I feel like I dug around a lot and considered this topic from quite a few different angles — which means I offered up several totally excellent podcast suggestions! — I know I’m going to continue to dance with doing things […]

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Perfectly Mismatched

My husband and I have a complicated marriage…and maybe you do, too. You see, I like creamy peanut butter, but Lou likes crunchy.  It’s a lot to deal with, as I’m sure you can imagine, especially if you and your significant other prefer the same type of peanut butter! But I have this other friend […]

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