The Murper & Her Muse

Not too long ago, I put up a post called Murp.

It’s one of my fav posts in recent weeks, and it’s totally changed my life! In case you haven’t read it — or if you’re not the type of reader who likes to go back into my archives — the post is about an incredible new word a young girl introduced into my life. I’ve been using it on a regular basis — in fact, I’ve even developed a little routine around this word with my inner voices! Here’s an example:

Last night I was whipping up some dinner, and I accidentally missed the garbage bin with a handful of stems from some fresh veggies I had just cleaned. When I saw the blunder, I said to my inner voices: 

Can I get a Murp?!” 

And my inner voices responded in unison: 

Murp! Murp!” 

I love this word!

But my sister did mention to me that there may have been a slight dust-up — or, mild controversy, if you will — over the exact origin of this useful and charming word. My sister’s intern has a sister, too, and when she read the original post, the sister felt quite certain that she is in fact “the word inventing genius” who came up with this word, not my sister’s intern! 

Oh dear…

I’m told the incident was more-or-less passed off with an initially angry “Murp!” but it appears that all is well in this family unit again (which, I must say, has clearly raised a couple of terrific urban linguists with talents I deeply admire!) But because words and people matter so much to me, I thought I might offer up a few thoughts about this not-exactly murp-worthy happening.

I’m so thankful for my sister, and, I’m also incredibly thankful for people who come into my life (like this intern I’ve yet to meet) who inspire thoughts and ideas in me. And, I do realize that I’m just one of those people who is easily inspired. [If you don’t believe me, you should see some of the notes in my journal! I very recently journaled about a nasty paper cut I got, and an encounter with a lemon wedge that turned into a great little sermon to myself.] But you should know that most of the stuff I see, smell, taste, hear, and experience floats directly into me somehow, and before I can help myself, one of the voices living in my head is already typing up some notes, while the other one is thinking up a good journal entry or useful blog angle!

My point is, I think life is full of inspiring muses, but every muse could use a good Murper!

If someone isn’t ready to take the risk to write about, or talk about, or make a move toward something that inspires him or her, then the work of that muse my never see the light of day! But sometimes, when a muse risks just enough to involve a trusted “doer,” the exchange can set that idea in motion!

Now… I’ve been the muse for many people in my career as a writer — and sometimes, I haven’t been given credit for my words or ideas. I think people should be honored and credited for their ideas, but when that doesn’t happen for me, I find a lot of peace in the fact that my words and thoughts do live a life that’s beyond me! And even though I’m probably always going to be the one who “murps” about pretty much every thought that pops into my head no matter what, I still value being on both sides of the inspiration cycle.

And, I will always do my very best to honor and credit people for the inspiration they’ve added to my life!

So in the spirit of knowing how it feels to be a Murper and a Muse, this post is meant to celebrate the two sisters in our midst who have created the perfect word for my thoughts to swing around! Having a word that helps me keep the small stuff small — and maybe even some of the big stuff, too — has done me a world of good. So thank you ladies, and…

Hip, hip hooray for The Murper & Her Muse!

(I’ll leave it to the sisters figure out which one is which!!)


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