Tidying Up

I pretty much promised you that I’d make mistakes on this blog — so I’ve kept that promise, at least!


Anyway… It came to my attention that my Imposition Tour posts are not easy to read in the order I’m posting them. Shoot. I’m sorry about that… But today, I woke up in the “mood” to clean! Truthfully, I’m pretty much always in that mood, but today was a bit more specifically about cleaning up my blog!

First of all, thank you for reading my memoir in this unusual format. Secondly, thank you for telling me how the posts make you feel, AND, how reading them on a blog is working out for you. I recently put up a blog about my blindspots, and unless people who care about you point things out, you might never know what you don’t know! (And that’s not good…)

OK. So what I’ve done is put a Table of Contents on the Home page, under About The Imposition Tour menu tab. There you will find a link to every bundle of memories I’ve posted so far. If you click on the link in the list, then all of the posts in that bundle will load in succession. This way, if you need to go back, or keep your place, all of the posts will be easier to find.

Every time I put up a new bundle of Imposition Tour posts, I’ll update the Table of Contents with the latest link. This way, you will always know where you can find me… ;o) And, in case you were wondering, I do my best to post a new bundle of Imposition Tour posts EVERY MONDAY. Then I try to post other things throughout the week. I hope this bit of tidying up helps you as much as it helps me.

As you must know by now, the world works so much better for me when things are spic-and-span!

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