Valentine’s Day

Happy Valentine’s Day!

What a complicated holiday, right? It’s loaded with expectations and over-the-top gestures of fanciness. For me, Valentine’s Day has the added component of being my wedding anniversary — so, yes, Lou and I are a bit of a cliche! (However, if this makes it any better, our actual wedding date is February 16 — so maybe that makes us a little less predictable…) 

But a day set aside for love can be a good thing, I think, particularly when the expressions of love are genuine.

For a long time now, Lou and I have had the running joke that instead of exchanging gifts on a holiday, we will just be “exchanging glances.” Glances are free, you see — and they fit well inside of our tight budget —plus, glances have the added benefit of possibly leading to something else (if you know what I mean! ) But this year, Lou is away on business, so glances are not an option. So Lou gave me something else, and it turns out, it was the best gift in the world: 

His words.

I’m still swooning over the note Lou sent me today. Writing is my thing, not Lou’s, so the fact that he took the time to author something just about me kind of takes my breath away. And the things he chose to mention in his note reminded me today of how thankful I am that my twisty life story has been mostly lived out with him as my number one companion, foxhole partner, and my perfect partner in every way.

I only share this with you not to brag, but rather, to celebrate this one person in my life who knows me so well, and who is exactly the right person for me.

To all those guys out there looking for the perfect gift to give someone you love, let me just tell you, a real, genuine love note is pretty darn hard to beat!

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