
Sorry I’ve been so terrible with my posts lately.

It’s not because I haven’t been doing a lot of writing — in fact, I’ve been writing more than usual these days! Just not in the form of blog posts…

I realize that it might have gone completely unnoticed by the world that I haven’t posted anything for three days, but I still felt like I should type up this apology. I don’t like to track my readership activity on my blog’s analytic page because that’s a head-game that doesn’t interest me. But I know I do have a few faithful readers, and those people absolutely matter to me (even if I don’t personally know you!!)

But in my mind, I do write for this nebulous reading audience that hovers just beyond the borders of my mind, and I believe that my audience deserves some consistency from me! For most of my life, my private journal created this same nebulous kind of vibration outside me where I’d actually feel like I let my journal down by not writing something to keep all of the pages engaged. Maybe it’s safe to say I don’t write for the glory. 

I write because that’s who I am.

The reason I’ve been so void lately is partly that my side hustle has really heated up. The 2019 Wine Country Wedding Season is quite full this year, and every once in a while, I’ll have a wedding that makes me feel like I’ve got a three-day hang-over without any drinking involved! But that’s not something that happens all that often. What’s really been keeping me busy is a new Sonja Writes project I hope to unveil soon. 

In the meantime, I will keep posting when I can — and in fact, on my morning hike, I made up my mind to shuffle a few things around a bit so that I can keep my blog priorities at the top of my list of things that involve my passion for writing.

As dorky as this probably sounds, that Kevin Costner movie, Field of Dreams really resonated with me! I have this haunting whispered belief that…

If I write it, they will read…

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