There’s this one person in my life who always gets me.

My sister.

She’s the best, and I count on her to keep me sane and to make me laugh no matter what’s happening in my life. But yesterday, right in the middle of a laundry emergency (her husband got a stubborn stain on his fav khakis) I discovered that my own sister wasn’t using Tide Original! She said she’s been using Tide detergent, but seriously! That’s not the same thing!

These days, Tide’s parent company, Proctor & Gamble, has all of these new detergent offerings in the familiar orange bottle, and so I can totally understand how she got confused. There are versions of my beloved detergent that have additives (like Fabreeze) to make things smell all fancy, and there are a few options in the line-up that claim to have extra stain-fighting properties. But I’m telling you the truth here, people. Tide Original is all you’ll ever need. All of those other things added to the detergent are just gimmicks and aren’t really all that good for you or your clothes.

So don’t be fooled!
Tide ORIGINAL is the only cleaning solution I’ll put my trust in until the day I die…

Or, until they discontinue it, which is a constant fear of mine whenever I have to hunt the shelves in search of that comforting and deeply familiar label with the word “Original” stamped on the front. I just bought a hefty 120-load jug of Tide Original at Costco, and the label specified it as “Original,” but the lettering was different. So I had to bust open the bottle and give it the sniff test just to be sure. I could instantly recognize that perfectly light and soapy-goodness inside of the jug, even though the label nearly fooled me.

And luckily, the jug came up to proof. I’ve already tested it on a pretty damning stain Lou got on his favorite sweatshirt and everything worked out fine. But I can’t help but worry that the bottom could drop out of my world if P&G decides to bend to consumer pressure to make new detergents that merely make your clothing smell clean… It could happen. Even I can be thrown my a happy scent — but not when it comes to my Tide Original. I just understand that the more additives they put in the original formula, the further away from awesome the liquid becomes… So I always ration my jugs of Tide Original — just in case!

But because my own sister missed the most important detail that defines the most important product in my life — and because I fear my brother-in-law’s favorite khakis may be doomed by washing it in an inferior product before he contacted me for help — I feel the need to officially clarify things in a big and bossy way. So consider this a public service announcement from someone who really cares about you and your clothes:

Tide ORIGINAL is always the best product money can buy.

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